Discover What's Behind Your Symptoms: 
Food & Environmental Allergy Testing

Covered By Most Insurance Plans!

Don't Wait Another Day for Answers
👉 Allergy Testing for Food and Environmental Pollens Symptoms

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Leave Allergies Behind
Discover What's Behind Your Symptoms: Food & Environmental Allergy Testing 

Covered By Most Insurance Plans

Don't Wait Another Day for Answers
👉 Allergy Testing for Food and Environmental Pollens Symptoms 
At Bay Oaks Physical Medicine, our allergy testing process is a simple and convenient in-office procedure. During your appointment, patients can easily identify their specific allergies. Subsequently, we develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to effectively alleviate their symptoms.

Click Below to Schedule Your Allergy Testing Today!

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The Effectiveness of Our Advanced Allergy Treatments

🌿 Tackling Your Allergies
Experience comprehensive allergy testing at Balanced Well Health Center. We understand the impact of allergies, including food allergies, on your life and are dedicated to helping you manage them effectively.

🥜 Food Allergies: A Hidden Challenge
Apart from environmental allergens, food allergies are a significant concern for many. The MAIN problem is people don't know they have these food allergies.

🌬️ Beyond Food: Allergens aren't limited to what you eat. Allergens like pollen, and contact allergens, such as those in grass, pet dander ragweed and dust are also prevalent. Identifying the specific allergen, is essential for effective management and relief.

🔍 Expert Allergy Testing: Your Gateway to Relief at Balanced Well Health Center, we utilize advanced testing techniques to accurately identify both food-related and environmental allergens. 

💊 Tailored Treatment Plans for Allergies:
We develop personalized treatment plans for  allergies. Options include innovative therapies & immunotherapy, which gradually desensitizes your immune system to allergens.

Where Are We Located?

Balanced Well Health Center

26-01 Pellack Dr, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410


 Better Hope For People Year Round Allergies 

Our Allergy Treatments Are For You.


Congestion and fatigue

Itchy Eyes


After beginning the testing procedure, we maintain close monitoring of your body's response to detect any allergic reactions. Typically, within around 20 minutes, we examine the testing site for raised bumps or swelling. The size and appearance of these reactions offer valuable insights into the extent of your allergies.
ALLERGY TESTING: Common Allergens 

-Pollen originating from trees, grasses, and weeds
-Mold spores
-Dust mites
-Animal dander, including that from cats or dogs
-Insect bites and stings, encompassing those from bees, wasps, and mosquitoes
-Foods, such as peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, and soy
-Medications, like antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
-Latex, commonly encountered in rubber gloves and balloons
-Chemicals, found in items such as fragrances, cleaning products, and pesticides

Insurance Coverage

The extent of insurance coverage for allergy testing and treatment can vary depending on your specific policy. While the majority of insurance plans typically include these services, it's crucial to verify the specifics of your own plan with your insurance provider. Here at Balanced Well Health Center, we prioritize our patients' needs and are dedicated to helping them make the most of their insurance benefits.

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